Her name is Yvonne.
Nate Merit
JoinedPosts by Nate Merit
If 'Intelligent Design" Is True, Why So Many Lies?
by Nate Merit inif true why so many lies ?
the following is a snippet from a new york times article on the closing arguments in the intelligent design trial.
closing arguments made in trial on intelligent design .
Nate Merit
If 'Intelligent Design" Is True, Why So Many Lies?
by Nate Merit inif true why so many lies ?
the following is a snippet from a new york times article on the closing arguments in the intelligent design trial.
closing arguments made in trial on intelligent design .
Nate Merit
Yes, you too understand the post perfectly. I also agree with you, and have my own particular ideas about the Invisible Pink Unicorn (may her hooves never be shod!) having created the universe at 9 AM yesterday morning with the APPEARANCE of great age as well as with all our false memories intact.
I would like to see a fundy disprove me, since it is IMPOSSIBLE to disprove.
I also have a giant teapot orbiting a planet in the alpha centauri system. If you believe in my teapot it will shower you with blessings. If you don't believe, it will scald you eternally with hot tea in the next life.
Nate -
If 'Intelligent Design" Is True, Why So Many Lies?
by Nate Merit inif true why so many lies ?
the following is a snippet from a new york times article on the closing arguments in the intelligent design trial.
closing arguments made in trial on intelligent design .
Nate Merit
Hello AlmostAtheist
Yes, you understand the point precisely. Thank you! -
If 'Intelligent Design" Is True, Why So Many Lies?
by Nate Merit inif true why so many lies ?
the following is a snippet from a new york times article on the closing arguments in the intelligent design trial.
closing arguments made in trial on intelligent design .
Nate Merit
I think you are not getting the Main Gist Of The Post. Which is, to wit, Fundies who are advocating Intelligent Design are LYING about it. They lyingly claim that religion is NOT their motivation when in point of fact it is INDEED their motivation.
What is wrong with teaching 'intelligent design" in the classroom? Well, for starters "ID" only makes sense if one keeps the scientific discussions very superficial. Real science is not something you can break up into sound bytes for those ignorant of the scientifc disciplines involved. A moron can ask "Which came first, the chicken or the egg? but 'answering a fool according to his folly' is not so simple. An actual scientific discussion is extremely involved and most people do not want to do the necessary thinking and learning in order to follow along.
These same people have often been to college and university for some other scientific specialty, and from their studies realize that real science is mult-faceted, complex, deep, and highly involved. They know their particular scientific specialty cannot be explained properly in a few sound bytes for the ignorant. Yet these same folks expect the most complex scientific disciplines on the planet (i.e., origins) to be pablumized into convincing and intelligent sound bytes.
Perhaps I am making myself a bit more clear this time around.
If you are an ID advocate, I am willing to bet a whole poop-load of money that you have never read any anti-creationists books written by teams of scientists from the various specialties involved. If you go to Google, you can find a number of such sources available online, as well as books that can enlighten you. I'm not going to do the impossible and try to write Origin Sound Bytes here on the forum. -
If 'Intelligent Design" Is True, Why So Many Lies?
by Nate Merit inif true why so many lies ?
the following is a snippet from a new york times article on the closing arguments in the intelligent design trial.
closing arguments made in trial on intelligent design .
Nate Merit
Religion need not be the motive for considering Intelligent Design.
Life on earth could be the result of Intelligent Design by an Extraterrrestrial Source!
Under that possibility, Teaching ID does not imply teaching any religion or belief in God at all.
Indeed, life on earth could be the intelligent actions of the Invisible Pink Unicorn or one of her consorts. These matters need deep consultations with Men of Mystery.
Nanu nanu!
Nate -
New and Improved ACTIVE FORCE!
by Nate Merit intry 'new and improved' active force for all your hard-to-clean needs!
millions of satisfied customers agree!.
satisfied customer #1: "new and improved active force cured my husband's alcoholism, and stopped little johnny pooping his pants!
Nate Merit
so solly me no speaky engrish
New and Improved ACTIVE FORCE!
by Nate Merit intry 'new and improved' active force for all your hard-to-clean needs!
millions of satisfied customers agree!.
satisfied customer #1: "new and improved active force cured my husband's alcoholism, and stopped little johnny pooping his pants!
Nate Merit
No man, I'm the most brillianr humorist to ever wield a keyboard.
New and Improved ACTIVE FORCE!
by Nate Merit intry 'new and improved' active force for all your hard-to-clean needs!
millions of satisfied customers agree!.
satisfied customer #1: "new and improved active force cured my husband's alcoholism, and stopped little johnny pooping his pants!
Nate Merit
Dood, you get your REFUND in the NEW WORLD. Or heaven, if you're anointed.
If 'Intelligent Design" Is True, Why So Many Lies?
by Nate Merit inif true why so many lies ?
the following is a snippet from a new york times article on the closing arguments in the intelligent design trial.
closing arguments made in trial on intelligent design .
Nate Merit
If True Why So Many Lies ?
The following is a snippet from a New York Times article on the closing arguments in the Intelligent Design trial.
Closing Arguments Made in Trial on Intelligent Design
Published: November 5, 2005HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 4, 2005 In his blunt closing argument, the plaintiffs' lawyer, Eric Rothschild, accused the intelligent design movement of lying, just as he said the school board members had lied when they testified that their purpose for changing the science curriculum had nothing to do with religion.
They lied, he said, when they testified that they did not make or hear religious declarations at board meetings, and when they claimed they did not know that 50 copies of an intelligent design textbook were bought for the school with money collected at a church and funneled through the father of a school board member, Alan Bonsell.
This week, the judge himself grew agitated as he questioned Mr. Bonsell about whether he had lied about the books. Mr. Rothschild reminded the judge of that interchange and said that the board's dishonesty "mimics" the intelligent design movement.
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/05/science/sciencespecial2/05design.htmlOnce again, we see that Fundy Christians must resort to lies and deception to defend their "truths". Times have certainly changed. Back when I was a Fundy Christian, we were always told that "as cream rises to the top, so also would the truth" and that truth, REAL truth, never ever would need lies and deceptions to defend it. In fact, if someone HAD to resort to lies, that was a sure sign they didn't HAVE the truth. Like I said, times have changed.
The Fundies driving the "Intelligent Design" movement have religion, and ONLY religion, as their motivating factor. Period. Anything else is a blatant and self-serving LIE. Therefore, any Christian that tells you his interest in "Intelligent Design" has nothing to do with his religion is automatically a BAD Christian, a FALSE Christian, someone who sees no problem in "lying for the truth", which used to be a policy used by the Watch Tower organization but apparently adopted by Fundies now.
Before these Fundies try to push their religion down our throats, they should learn how to live it themselves. Lies and deception only go to indicate that their REAL "heavenly father" sure as HELL (hint hint) doesn't live in heaven. www.jcnot4me.com
2005 District Convention
by Inquisitor incan someone tell me all i need to know about the 2005 district convention?.
was there a drama?
what were released?.
Nate Merit
Hello Inquisitor
Welcome. Post away. I'm a newbie myself.